One of the 7 Wonders of India: Sri Padmanabhswamy Temple

Tribute to current Maharaja of Travancore HH Shri Padmanabha Dasa Vanchi Pala Maharaja Uthradam T Marthanda Varma V

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kerala temple worth: Rs 1 lakh cr and counting- The Richest temple in the world

 In kerala the last two secret vaults at the Sree Padmanabhswamy temple were opened on Monday. The treasure is now worth Rs 1 lakh crore and counting.
The God who lords over the capital of God's own country is getting richer by the day, if estimates are anything to go by Lord Padmanabha Swamy has surpassed Tirupati Balaji as the richest temple God. The treasure hunt by the Supreme Court appointed committee it still on. While chamber B is being inventoried, chamber A revealed a treasure trove.
So what are these valuables worth thousands of crores? These valuable are antique gold ornaments and crowns of erstwhile kings Belgian gems including diamonds, navaratnas antique coins from Rome, gold coins of the East India Company, 18 foot long Sharapoli mala (chain), an Idol of Lord Vishnu made of gold and precious stones, Grains of gold, gold medallions and scepters.
The finds have raised several questions. There is apprehension over the security of this wealth and about where to store it in the future. The state government is treading a cautious line as it is also a matter of faith.
Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said, "This wealth belongs to the temple. So we have decided to provide full security to the temple itself. The court may later take any decision on this. But now this is what we intend to do."
The devotees are against moving the valuables from inside the temple while historians are positive that in due course there will be an opportunity to study them.
"These items have huge heritage value. Were offerings by the Travencore family and others. This should be kept inside the temple only," said Krishnakumar, devotee.
Historian Sashi Bhushan said, "I think after some time the authorities will catalogue the valuables and with the details we can rewrite the history of Travencore.”
The hidden treasure is out in the open perhaps making Sree Padmnabhaswamy the richest God in the country. But it has also triggered off uneasy questions over what should be done with the mountain of wealth. Time will tell whether only a long legal battle will determine its future.

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